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Pocket Webmaster: The Ultimate, Must-Have, Quick Reference Guide for Anyone Who Manages a Website

Published: 06 December 2022

Web developer, programmer and designer, Holly Valero has over 25 years of experience in all phases of website creation, maintenance, server administration, and troubleshooting. She has built hundreds of websites and assisted countless individuals who were wrestling with corrupted passwords, lost domain names, mystery hosting, anti-social social media, hacked websites, funky code, and broken images.

The Pocket Webmaster is the collected strategy, smart ideas, organized approach and simple, easy-to-understand explanations that every website manager needs at their fingertips – whether you are an entrepreneur, or managing a web team, a nonprofit board member, or small business owner.

This operations-level guide covers what no other guide does: how to establish, manage and protect your digital empire's most valuable assets. Whether you are setting up your first online presence, or you’ve inherited somebody else’s problem.

Pages: 40
ISBN: 1734793430
ISBN-13: 978-1734793437
Language: English
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